Monday, March 31, 2008

Part Two Day 2 - Exploring Rexburg

After a lovely time freezing at the temple grounds with Sascha we drove to the local Walmart and went "Easter Bunny Shopping." This was fun and my second time being the little bunny. We then dropped Sascha off to a class and Sophie and I set out on a little adventure, true it didn't last long. You can only drive so far and you aren't in Rexburg anymore but we found some fun things on the way. First we parked our car and walked along main street where we found this little place just off one of the side streets. Pretzel's anyone? What an adorable little place as you can see by the pictures and the Fresh Lemonade and Pretzel's were quite delicious.
I think I'm going to have to have a playroom decorated like this one day

It's amazing how well pictures can turn out when you're aiming the camera at yourself

Sophie is so pretty!

Lollipop ooh la la lollipop!

Earlier on in the day I noticed across the street from the temple grounds the most lovely, never-ending field of snow! I had to get pictures and here they are. We drove a little farther down the street to find the best spots.

See how it stretches for miles

Lovely, it looks like the Sea

We had to be very careful where we stepped and how hard, the snow would go up to our knees!

These would make great Bridal shots

1 comment:

Hannah S said...

wow, that snow is beautiful! Weren't you cold kneeling in it?